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Title: Gambaran Pengetahuan Tentang Menyikat Gigi Terhadap Status Karies Gigi Pada Siswa Kelas IV dan V SD IT Raudhatul Hasanah Desa Suka Jadi Kec. Hinai Kabupaten Langkat
Authors: Saragih Aminah
Keywords: Brushingiteeth
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2021
Publisher: LPPM STIKes Siti Hajar
Series/Report no.: Volume 1, Nomor 1,;Nopember 2021
Abstract: Background. Brushing iteeth iis icommonly idone ito iremove ifood iremnants iwhich iare istuck ion itooth isurface. iIf ifood iremnants iare inot iremoved, ithey iwill icause ivarious iproblems ilike iteeth iwith icavity iand icaries. The iresearch iused idescriptive isurvey imethod iwhich iwas iaimed ito ifind iout ithe idescription iof istudents’ iknowledge iof ibrushing iteeth iand ithe istatus iof icaries imeasured iby iusing iquestionnaires iand iexamining icaries iindex. iThe isamples iwere i41 iGrades iIV iand iV istudents iof iSD iIT iRaudhatul iHasanah iJl. iKarya, iDusun iII, iSuka iJadi iVillage, iHinai iSubdistrict, iLangkat iRegency, iin i2016. The iresult iof ithe iresearch ishowed ithat i61% iof ithe irespondents ihad igood iknowledge iof ibrushing itheir iteeth iand iof ithe istatus iof icaries, i49% iof ithe irespondents ihad imoderate iknowledge, iand ino irespondent ihad ibad iknowledge. iMeanwhile, i51, 2% iof ithe irespondents ihad ibad istatus iof icaries, i36. 6% iof ithe irespondents ihad imoderate istatus iof icaries, iand i12. 2% iof ithe irespondents ihad igood istatus iof icaries. The iconclusion iwas ithat ithe istudents ihad igood iknowledge i (61%). iHowever, i51. 2% iof ithem ihad ibad istatus iof icaries.
ISSN: 2808-9944
Appears in Collections:Jurnal Penelitian Dosen Tahun 2021

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