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Title: Gambaran Pelayanan Bidan dan Dukun Beranak Terhadap Masyarakat
Authors: Adelima CR Simamora
Endang Susilawati
Keywords: Access
Process and service system
Issue Date: Aug-2013
Publisher: Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan
Abstract: Service are services provided to others with a specific purpose even if another party does not receive what they want. Exprience of patients and society that a customer service must receive primary a/fention to customer needs and value upectation can be fullfiled. Wlrcre good service will induce a felling of satisfaction an comfort for each patient. To improve community health status many things to consider are well- organized health services. Mi*rives and midwife services qre viewed k througlh access to serttices, qualtty of services, services processs and service system. This research was descriptive which describe the services of midwives and treditional birth qttendents in rural districts Simarigung Dolok sanggul districts Humbcmg Hasundutan Dolol<sanggi districts with 40 samples of response, wearing purposive sampling methods andtechniques ofdata collectionvia questionnaires. From the results ofresearchonthe services ofmidwifa and traditional birth attendents. Service good mid'vife who said 16 people (80%o), service is good enough 4 people (20026, poor service and the service does not exist eitlrcr 0 or not. While serttices midwift who says the service does not exist either 0 or not. From the research result indicate that a midwife service is still better than the services of miswives in rural districts Dololrsanggul Humbang Hasundutan.
ISSN: 1907-3046
Appears in Collections:Jurnal PANNMED

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