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Title: Pengaruh Hypnobirthingterhadap Tingkat Kecemasan pada Ibu Hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Siatas Barita Tahun 2020
Authors: Nainggolan Dimpu Rismawaty, Ujung Rience Mardiana
Ritonga Paruhum Tiruon
Keywords: Anxiety level of pregnant women
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2021
Series/Report no.: Volume 13;Nomor 2
Abstract: Psychological changes in pregnant women include experiencing anxiety which can increase stress and severe stress during childbirth and can cause abnormalities. Childbirth history that is not good can affect the health of the mother and fetus. This situation can cause the muscles in the body to become stiff, especially the perineal muscles to become stiff and hard, making it difficult to adapt to the development and delivery process, unbalanced emotions and even increased and difficult to control. Hypnobirthingis a way that pregnant women do by doing relaxation because it can increase the hormone endorphins that can relieve pain in the body. This study aims to analyze the effect of Hypnobirthingon the anxiety of pregnant women before and after treatment andprove whether there is an impact of hypnobirthingto reduce maternal anxiety. pregnant in the working area of the Siatas Barita Health Center. This type of research uses treatment before giving a pre-test to the group. Then the researchers did a hypnobirthingsimulation. Next, a post-test was carried out. The population is mothers with gestational age above 12 weeks. Methods Bivariate analysis uses the Wilcoxon test calculation and then the results are described. Based on the calculation results indicatethat there is a relevant impact of hypnobirthingon reducing anxiety in respondents (p = 0.016). Before receiving Hypnobirthingtreatment, the anxiety level of pregnant women was higher than those who had received treatmen
ISSN: 2714-7886
Appears in Collections:JURNAL PENELITIAN DOSEN TAHUN 2021

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