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Title: Relationship Husband and Midwives Support with Post Partum Blues at Maternity Clinic X District Deli Serdang Indonesia Year 2019
Authors: Harahap, Elly Indrani
Keywords: husband support, midwives support, post partum Blues
Issue Date: 11-Nov-2019
Publisher: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Series/Report no.: Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019;
Abstract: Introduction: Postpartum Blues are sadness or depression after childbirth, appearing temporarily that was about 2-10 days since the birth of the infant. The purpose of the research was know the support relationship of husband and midwives support with the occurrence of post partum blues at the maternity clinic X Deli Serdang in 2019. Research method: Analytical research method with cross sectional design. The time of research was conducted in January-May 2019. The population of this research is the mother of the post partum in maternity clinic X. Samples amounting to 33 people post partum mother, research purpose to know the relationship husband and midwives support with post partum Blues in the maternity X Deli Serdang year 2019. Data Analysis was conducted univariate with frequency distribution and bivariate using Chi-square statistical test. Research results: the research post partum Blues event number 66.7%, husband's support frequency distribution 57.6%, distribution support midwives 69.7%, relationship post partum Blues with husband's support p= 0.000 and relationship post partum blues with midwives support p= 0.003 Statistical test results was husband and midwives support relationship with post partum blues in maternity clinic X Deli Serdang year 2019. Advice: expected to midwives who work to hold mother pos partum class and present husband as companion post partum mother. Need to provide counseling on post partum Blues to mother, husband and family in maternity clinic X Deli Serdang
ISSN: ISSN: 2319-7064
Appears in Collections:Laporan Penelitian Dosen Kebidanan Medan Tahun 2019

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